Start tracking product stock
In Yimi, those items that have active inventory control will be able to view stock alerts; products with low stock and out of stock, as well as stock reports.
Click on Products in the bottom slash.
Select the product you want to start tracking inventory.
Go to the Stock tab. Here you will be able to enable inventory control.
4. Click on Adjust stock to add the amount of product you have in inventory.
5. Set the expiration date.
6. Add the minimum stock you want to receive a low stock notification.
7. Finally, select Save when you have finished editing the data.
Click on Items
Select an Item.
Activate the switch on the right side to control inventory.
Define your current stock of the product, as well as a minimum stock and/or an expiration date for the product.
💡Inventory report is sent via email showing products that are about to expire or low in stock.